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This function prompts the user to enter their GlobalArchive API token, saves it in an RDS file within a "secrets" directory, and optionally adds the "secrets" directory to the .gitignore file if the function is run inside a Git repository.




The function performs the following steps:

  • Prompts the user to input their GlobalArchive API token via the console.

  • Creates a "secrets" directory in the current working directory if it doesn't already exist.

  • Saves the token as an RDS file named api_token.rds inside the "secrets" directory.

  • Checks if the current directory is part of a Git repository (i.e., it contains a .git folder).

  • If in a Git repository, the function adds the "secrets/" directory to the .gitignore file if it's not already listed.


This function is intended to be used in projects involving GlobalArchive, where sensitive information like API tokens should not be committed to version control. Ensure that the working directory is set correctly before running this function.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # Run the function to set a GlobalArchive API token
} # }