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This function retrieves count data from a GlobalArchive synthesis using an API call. It allows you to include or exclude life history information in the retrieved data and processes the data accordingly.


ga_api_count(token, synthesis_id, include_life_history = TRUE)



A character string representing your GlobalArchive token for API authentication.


A character string or numeric value representing the GlobalArchive synthesis ID for which the count data should be retrieved.


A logical value indicating whether life history information should be included in the retrieved data. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, only basic species information is included.


A data frame containing the count data retrieved from the GlobalArchive API. The data frame includes count data for various subjects, with optional life history details depending on the include_life_history parameter.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Retrieve count data including life history information
count_data <- ga_api_count(username = "your_username", password = "your_password", 
                           synthesis_id = "your_synthesis_id", include_life_history = TRUE)

# Retrieve count data without life history information
count_data <- ga_api_count(username = "your_username", password = "your_password", 
                           synthesis_id = "your_synthesis_id", include_life_history = FALSE)
} # }