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This function retrieves the trophic level and its standard error for a given species from FishBase. It fetches data from the FishBase website, extracts the trophic level information, and formats it into a data frame.


find_tl(sp, mirror = "us")



A character string representing the species name. The species name should be provided as it appears on FishBase, but spaces will be replaced with hyphens.


A character string specifying the FishBase mirror site to use. Defaults to "us" (FishBase USA). Other mirrors can be specified if needed.


A data frame containing the trophic level information for the species. The data frame includes the following columns:

  • species: The species name.

  • trophic_level: The trophic level of the species.

  • se: The standard error of the trophic level.

  • metric: The source used (if provided) e.g. "based on food items".

If there is no internet connection, or if the species page cannot be retrieved or parsed, the function returns NULL.


# Retrieve trophic level and standard error for a species
tl_info <- find_tl("Lutjanus campechanus")
#>                species trophic_level   se              metric
#> 1 Lutjanus campechanus           3.9 0.72 based on food items