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This function takes a life-history data frame where multiple marine regions for each species are listed in a single cell, separated by commas. It expands this data frame so that each species-region combination gets its own row, with marine regions translated into their full names.





A data frame containing life history information with a column for marine regions. The marine_region column should contain comma-separated region codes (e.g., "NW, N, CS").


A data frame where each species-region combination is represented in a separate row. The marine_region codes are expanded to their full names (e.g., "NW" to "North-west").


# Create a sample data frame with species and comma-separated marine regions
dat <- data.frame(
  species = c("Species A", "Species B"),
  marine_region = c("NW, N, CS", "TE, SE")

# Expand the data frame to have one row per species-region combination
expanded_dat <- expand_life_history(dat)

# Check the result
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   species   marine_region 
#>   <chr>     <chr>         
#> 1 Species A North-west    
#> 2 Species A North         
#> 3 Species A Coral Sea     
#> 4 Species B Temperate East
#> 5 Species B South-east